GYL Financial Synergies Volunteers at CT Foodshare in Bloomfield

March 19, 2024

Making the conscious choice to volunteer can empower us to make a positive impact and reaffirm the values of compassion and altruism that unite us as a global community. Today, we’re applauding our West Hartford team members that participated in CT Foodshare’s food sorting program last Thursday!

Thank you to our amazing volunteers: Rachel Gelb, Kimberly Sprague, Theo Marrinan, Candace Barrett, Sam Rose, Sevane Khatchadourian, and Shane Reilly for spending your afternoon lending helping hands for an amazing cause! This group demonstrated the power of teamwork by carefully sorting a total of 4,830 pounds of food at the Bloomfield facility and filling boxes with food staples for distribution to communities most in need. We’ll be back soon, CT Foodshare!

While the regular responsibilities of our daily lives often take precedent, it is still imperative that we recognize and address the challenges faced by others. Volunteering offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the betterment of society while fostering a deeper sense of connection, understanding, and empathy.

Dedicating our time to serve those in need not only benefits others but enriches our own lives. Time dedicated to a true cause provides us with new perspectives on our own blessings. Our continued partnership with CT Foodshare has allowed our team members to develop new skills, expand their professional networks, and gain a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose outside of their roles at GYL Financial Synergies.

For more information about the CT Foodshare and ways you can make a difference, please visit their website at
