GYL Team Members Participate in JA In A Day Program During Financial Literacy Month

April 22, 2024

Happy Financial Literacy Month! ✏️

At GYL Financial Synergies, we are excited to participate in this national celebration dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of financial literacy and maintaining smart money management habits. We are thankful to continue our partnership with Junior Achievement of Greater Fairfield County and help support the educational experiences they bring to schools across the country. These opportunities enable our talented staff to pass along our understanding of the financial landscape onto the next generation.

We are so pleased to share that two of our GYL team members, Rosa D Cadena, MBA and Brenda Delmore, administered JA In a Day this month to two middle school classrooms in Bridgeport, CT! Each visiting different schools, Rosa and Brenda lead their classrooms in the instruction of the JA Economic for Success program, a learning experience that introduces students ages 11-14 to personal finance concepts and career readiness. This workshop covers topics spanning from career planning, self-awareness to guide choices, post-high school education, income, budgeting, and more. Students recognize and develop transferable skills, useful regardless of career, while learning about the costs of expenses and setting personal financial priorities.

Thank you to our volunteers for providing Fairfield County students invaluable knowledge and life lessons that will prepare them for the next stages of their academic and professional careers!

To learn more about Junior Achievement USA visit their website at and find out more about how you can make an impact in your community.


#FinancialLiteracyMonth #JuniorAchievement #CorporateVolunteering